The MediHeel and MediHand ranges are beautifully packaged and are the perfect addition to any treatment menu. Retail is made easy with highly effective, alluring products which are sold in some of the best spas and salons around the world.
Les gammes MediHeel et MediHand sont magnifiquement présentées et constituent le complément parfait à tout menu de traitement. La vente au détail est facilitée par des produits très efficaces et séduisants qui sont vendus dans certains des meilleurs spas et salons du monde entier.
The Elim Rejuvenating Gold Spritz will complete your skincare regime with a glamorous and shimmery look! Simply spray the gold spritz over the desired area to enjoy complete skin rejuvenation and a gorgeous glow to top it all off!
Elim Rejuvenating Gold Spritz is safe to use on the whole body or hair and has a delicious perfume scent.
For smooth and crease-free feet try the Elim MediHeel Foot Perfector, a medium weight cream that brightens and softens the feet, smoothing over fine lines.
Vitamins B5, C and E nourish the foot while the unique gel-powder helps lock in moisture, ensuring a flawless finish. The Elim MediHeel Foot Perfector nourishes the skin around your heels and aids the natural skin renewal process.
The medium weight heel balm is a perfect non-slip cream that relieves dry, rough, itchy, over-dry and thickened skin.
If you suffer from dry and cracked feet then the Elim MediHeel AHA Exfoliant is the perfect product for you. Containing Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA), it helps to refine the texture of your feet by removing dead skin, leaving them shiny and silky smooth.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids work to penetrate and loosen your skin cells, helping to get rid of dead skin and flakes. Designed to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging on the feet, the MediHeel AHA Exfoliator improves the overall look and feel of the feet. Combine your treatment with the Foot Perfector Heel Balm for longer lasting bright and soft feet.
You deserve soft and smooth feet, so get rid of dry and dead skin with the Elim MediHeel AHA Exfoliant.
Si vous souffrez de pieds secs et crevassés, l'exfoliant Elim MediHeel AHA est le produit idéal pour vous. Contenant des acides alpha-hydroxy (AHA), il aide à affiner la texture de vos pieds en éliminant les peaux mortes, les laissant brillants et soyeux.
Les alpha-hydroxyacides pénètrent dans les cellules de la peau et les relâchent, ce qui aide à éliminer les peaux mortes et les squames. Conçu pour réduire les rides et les signes de vieillissement des pieds, l'exfoliant AHA MediHeel améliore l'aspect et la sensation générale des pieds. Combinez votre traitement avec le baume pour talons Foot Perfector pour des pieds brillants et doux plus longtemps.
Vous méritez des pieds doux et lisses, alors débarrassez-vous des peaux sèches et mortes avec l'Exfoliant Elim MediHeel AHA.
If you suffer from foot fungi then the Elim MediHeel Spa Additive is the perfect solution for you. With anti-bacterial ingredients it fights bacteria and fungus, while also hydrating and rejuvenating your feet. Not only does it soften dry and tired feet, but its tea tree and rosemary infusion helps boost circulation, easing pain in your feet.
In addition to the 125ml retail sized Elim MediHeel Spa Additive we also have a 450ml salon pack which is available exclusively to spas. If you would like to enquire about the salon pack for your spa, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Rejuvenate and give your tired feet the attention they deserve, with the Elim MediHeel Spa Additive
The Ultra Rich hydrating treatment restores moisture to dry skin for up to 12 hours. Infused with Vitamins, Oat Proteins and Hibiscus extracts to brighten and soothe your hands. Helps fight signs of aging on the hands.
The Elim MediHand Age Reversal Hand Cream is an intensive anti-ageing formula specifically aimed at age reversal and eliminating dark spots on the hands. It also promotes the natural repairing mechanism of the the skin.
A PH balancing daily exfoliant to remove dull, dead skin cells. The unique Thermal agent with heating actives will enhance penetration of minerals and anti-ageing actives. Leaves hands radiant and polished. Also contains Sweet Almond Oil, Chamomile, natural Olive Oil and Beeswax that acts as a multi-active skin conditioner.
The Elim NailFX is a radical treatment combining the natural forces of Science and Nature. Treatment includes a strong antibacterial active (Tea Tree Oil and Triclocarban) and an acidity agent Undecylenoyl Glycine to block any bacteria.
Added Undecylenoyl Glycine controls the acidity of the nail, blocking any bacteria. Again focusing on the PH balance of the nail. The success is in the combination of te natural ingredients with scientifically proven actives.
L'Elim NailFX est un traitement radical combinant les forces naturelles de la Science et de la Nature. Le traitement comprend un actif antibactérien puissant (huile de théier et triclocarban) et un agent d'acidité, l'undécylénoyl glycine, pour bloquer toute bactérie.
L'Undécylénoyl Glycine ajouté contrôle l'acidité de l'ongle, bloquant ainsi toute bactérie. Encore une fois, on se concentre sur l'équilibre du PH de l'ongle. Le succès est dû à la combinaison d'ingrédients naturels avec des actifs scientifiquement prouvés.
A delicately scented prep solution used during manicure and pedicure treatments.
A rich indulgent cream that restores the body and firms the skin simultaneously. Your Restorative Body Cream will protect the skin from environmental pollution while plant extracts and bio-minerals will firm the skin. It is an excellent moisturizer and contains powerful anti-inflammatory action. Although it is aimed at Pregnant clients, we recommend the use of the Restorative Body Cream to growing teenagers and clients with extremely dry skin.
It is a super combination of Herbal Extracts, safe Essential Oils and rich hydrating actives. A body treatment with Collagen - a first of its kind.
Elim MediHeel Intense Night Repair is an intense heel balm for dry and cracked heels. For best results, apply the cream to the heels and cover them with the Hydro-Gel Socks overnight.
Intense Night Repair Balm is a rich repair cream for heels that deeply penetrates to moisturize more than just the surface. In contains coconut wheat germ, almond and lavender oil, urea to reduce calluses and glycerine to lock in moisture.
Hydro-Gel Socks are made from non-toxic, medical grade silicone and provides compression and protection. Hydro-Gel Socks are washable. For best results repeat this treatment daily.
One set contains Intense Night Repair Balm (80 ml) and one pair of Hydro-Gel Socks.